Pregnant Woman Holding her Belly

Lunar Life Cycle

Your birth, Your way


Congratulations! You're having a baby. What comes next? If you don't exactly know, you're not alone.

Pregnancy and birth can bring about a multitude of emotions and is a time of great change. With so many decisions to make and so much information to navigate, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. It's easy to feel like you're drowning in a sea of information, and that you're not sure which direction to turn to find the answers that make sense to you and your unique journey.

You don't have to do this alone (actually, I encourage you not to). Adding a doula to your support team gives you the calming reassurance that every expecting parent needs. A doula can help guide you through the decisions you need to make and provide you with the information and support you need to feel confident and empowered. With your doula by your side, you'll have a warm, sensitive, and knowledgeable ally to help you navigate this exciting time in your life.

Newborn Baby Lying on Mothers Chest After Birth

If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.


Hi, I'm your doula

My name is Alissa Rampino, but you are free to call me Liss! I'm a fertility, birth, and postpartum doula in Chapel Hill, currently being certified through Doula Training International. I feel passionate about helping parents-to-be and new families navigate their pregnancy journies, births, and postpartum period with confidence, education, and enthusiasm. I want to help you have a birth experience that you can go home feeling great about!

My journey into birth work began at a young age with an initial interest in women's health while never knowing the specifics of what that meant for me. Growing up, along with many other young women, I was told that I would want kids when I got older. However, as time went on, the urge to be a mother never came to me, despite naturally being a caretaker and nurturer. I discovered the desire to be involved in family planning as the lives of those around me changed. I found passion in supporting my friends and family while they built their own families and this was when I realized that I didn't need to have my own family in order to help others create theirs.

When I'm not coaching my clients through contractions, you could find me at the yoga studio, bouldering gym, or spending time with my lovely girlfriend and cat!

Alissa Rampino


Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Certification through Doula Training International

What is doula support?

As a doula, I work with clients to support them throughout their entire pregnancy journey which includes fertility, birth, and postpartum. What does this mean? It means I'm here to provide you with continuous care, comfort, encouragement, and guidance throughout the entire process. I'm here for you. During pregnancy, I'll provide you with gentle guidance and informational support and be the judgment-free voice that you need to make sure that you are always making your most confident and informed choices.

When the big day comes, I'll be by your side during your progressing contractions all the way until your baby is in your arms! No matter what kind of birth you're planning, or how many times that plan needs to change, I'll help you understand your options. I'm here to ensure that your preferences are upheld and respected. I am here to be your advocate and make sure that your partner is hands-on, involved, and supported, too. My only goal for your birth is to help you have a positive and fulfilling birth experience.

After baby is born, I'll be close by to help you recover, to support your family, and provide you with all the resources you need to learn how to care for your new baby. With a doula on your team, you'll never feel alone or need to wonder what comes next.

New mom holds her newborn baby boy
Naked Woman Feeding her Baby

Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.


Support packages

Baby Day~Water Birth Pregnant Black Woman

labor + birth support

Incorporating doula support into your birth plan provides you and your partner with an abundance of resources, information, guidance, and support throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. A professional doula's support during labor and birth leads to better outcomes for both parents and babies, and greater happiness for families. This support includes phone and text support, prenatal visits, birth planning, support for your partner, recovery assistance, postpartum visits, and much more. With doula support, you will have a comprehensive, comprehensive, and compassionate birth plan.

postpartum support

Bringing your new baby home can be both exhilarating and intimidating. With postpartum doula support, you will have access to answers for all of your questions and concerns, no matter when they arise. During our postpartum visits, I'll offer guidance on baby care, support with feeding, advice on recovery and adjustments, and hands-on help with tasks like meal preparation, laundry, and light housekeeping. Postpartum support from a doula can make all the difference between simply getting by and thriving during the newborn period!

Pregnant Woman Holding Tummy

childbirth education

The key to having an exceptional birth and postpartum experience is the education and knowledge of your options. By participating in childbirth education and postpartum preparation classes, expectant parents can gain a deeper understanding of the labor and delivery process, what to anticipate during every stage of childbirth and postpartum, and make informed decisions about their childbirth journey. It is important to me to ensure that you have the opportunity to sufficiently prepare your body for one of the most exciting days of your life!

Fertility Support

Pregnancy can be the most exciting time in a person's life, but for some, getting there can be the hardest part. Everyone's fertility journey is different. Whether you are having trouble conceiving, going through IVF, choosing to terminate, or just want to have a better understanding and control of your cycle, a doula can be the perfect support system and resource to give you the information and care that you need to get through it.

Quotation marks

After I met with my OB, I realized everything that she told me, we had already gone over in our discussion

-Gabby A , fertility +birth control consultation

After trying so many things I ordered the book you told me about and we've finally started to see a difference. I I can't belive I didn't know this before

-Cas J , Period pain management

I wasn't able to share any of this with my family and I'm infinitely grateful to have had you to listen to me,

- Anonymous , Termination support

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Let's get together.

Let's talk about your birth! During the consultation, we'll discuss your pregnancy, your desired outcomes for birth and postpartum, and how doula support will help you in reaching these goals. Later in your pregnancy, we'll meet for prenatal sessions and create a plan for the birth you envision. You will have round-the-clock access to phone, text, and email support for all of your questions, concerns, and worries, and I will be available 24/7 leading up to your baby's arrival. Let's have a conversation about how doula support can empower you and your partner to confidently welcome your new baby into the world.

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Alissa Rampino


Doula Training International, 2022

Child CPR + First Aid Certified

Chapel Hill, North Carolina